
Willy Peeters | 18 april 1957 - 22 augustus 2023

Willy Peeters

Beleef brons in Leuven Een kunstroute in en rond Leuven langs de beelden van Willy Peeters met audiofragmenten. Read more

Troostplek in Groot Begijnhof Leuven Het beeld EXODUS, werd op 5 juni '23 ingehuldigd als nieuwe 'troostplek' in het Leuvense Begijnhof. Een samenwerking van KU Leuven, UZ Leuven en de pastorale dienst van de universiteit. Read more

EREPENNING van KU Leuven Tijdens de vernissage van de tentoonstelling 'EXODUS verbeeld' op 28 september '22 werd er een erepenning overhandigd aan Willy Peeters door rector Luc Sels van de KU Leuven, op unaniem voorstel van de Academische Raad. Read more

Welcome at Willy Peeters

Willy Peeters lives and works in Louvain (Heverlee).
He was born in Turnhout in 1957 and grew up in Gierle.
From 1972 he took art classes at the St-Lucas-Institute in Brussels.
He continued higher education at the same school, from which he graduated in art with a specialization in sculpture.

Since 1983 he has worked as a self-employed artist. His work is frequently on display in individual exhibitions in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Poland, Italy and the US. He has often participated in group exhibitions.
His focus is on sculptures in bronze. Willy Peeters has realised several large sculptures and sculpture groups for the public space. His work was included in several private and public collections.
His creations can be found all over the world as "Awards" ordered by a variety of organisations.
As a portraitist he has realised several busts.
Recently two art books were published about the euvre of Willy Peeters. Bewogen Brons in 2010 with an overview of 30 years and Mandragora in 2015 with recent sculptures. Quotes from some art critics are included in this website.

Contact info


+32 498 49 61 01

